Expecting your second baby? Make this pregnancy stress-free with these tips!

Stay active, eat a balanced diet, and get as much sleep as you can. This body of yours needs special care this time!

First, prioritize Health

From early on, talk with your child about that new baby will be in the house soon. Share books, and have them actively participate in preparations!

 Prepare the Firstborn

Consider what your first birth experience was like and talk with your doctor about any other options that might be available to make your delivery smoother.

Map Out Your Birth Strategy

Rest is hard to come by with an active toddler around. Take quick catnaps when the opportunity strikes and try to enlist help where you can.

Manage the Fatigue

Re-use what you have and buy only the essentials. A second baby does not need everything new!

Organize the Baby Stuff

Sometimes, it may feel that the hormones and responsibilities are too much to handle.

Balance the Emotions

Simplify the postpartum period by preparing meals ahead of the time, coordinating childcare assistance, and getting some rest!

Simplify Postpartum Recovery

Take time to adjust to the changes by having one-on-one time with your firstborn.

Strengthen Your Bond

Every pregnancy is different, so savor all the changes and experiences to prepare maximally for double the love!

Enjoy the Ride!